Michael Thieke
*1971 in Düsseldorf/D , lives in Berlin and Rome
Michael Thieke is equally at home across a broad range of musical environments, such as experimental song forms, collectively composing projects, improvising collectives, and music on the fringes of jazz. He is exploring the minutiae of sound, timbre and noise, with a particular interest in microtonality and related sound phenomena. The qualities of slowness are another field of his research. He has a preference for long-term collaborations and collective work.
Some of his current Projects are:
The International Nothing , Voutchkova/Thieke Duo , The Pitch , Der lange Schatten , Splitter Orchester, Magda Mayas Filamental , loading lift and move, Bruine, Porta Chiusa, The Clarinet Trio, The Magic I.D. , Marino/Thieke, milesdavisquintetorchestra!, Mur des Murmures.
He has toured throughout Europe, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Canada, China, Brasil and the USA, playing at festivals such as:
Sons d’Hiver (Paris), Novas Frequências (Rio de Janeiro), Borderline (Athens), Ring Ring (Belgrade), Wien Modern (Vienna), All Ears (Oslo), Uppercut (Bordeaux), Klub Katarakt (Hamburg), Irtijal (Beirut), Ftarri Festival (Tokyo), Meakusma (Eupen), Seanaps (Leipzig), Festival International de Musique Actuelle (Victoriaville), Taiwan Improvised Music Festival (Taipei), Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (Huddersfield), Musikprotokoll (Graz), Borealis (Bergen), Trans Art (Bozen/Bolzano), Music Unlimited (Wels), Jazz Fest (Berlin), Klangspuren (Schwaz), Música Estranha (São Paulo), CTM (Berlin), Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Darmstadt), Sonic Acts (Amsterdam), Taktlos (Zürich), Météo (Mulhouse), Angelica (Bologna), Alternativa (Prague), Konfrontationen (Nickelsdorf), Experimental Interemedia (New York), Artacts (St. Johann), Controinidcazioni (Rome), Donaueschinger Musiktage (Donaueschingen), ZJFT (Groningen), Jazz em Agosto (Lisbon), PiedNu (Le Havre)