Naia Urresti

Naia Urresti

From a really young age she starts her investigation of the body and performing arts through artistic gymnasts and theatre, studying acting in the Centre of Artistic Creation T.E.T. and taking part in diverse theatre workshops with Maria Fernanda Ferro, Diana Peñalver, among others. She worked as an actress in different professional projects such as La OlaJack y las Habichuelas MágicasLa Princesa y el Dragón and La Leyenda de Robin Hood with the Theatre Group Skena; and The Importance of being Ernest with Amentia Teatro. She also started her labour as an educator guiding theatre workshops in schools with the company Skena. Later on she continued her education in Contemporary Dance, Modern Dance, Flying Low and Passing Through, Ballet, Improvisation, Release Technique and Contact Improvisation with different institutions in Caracas, such as Taller Experimental de Danza Pisorrojo, Taller de Danza de Caracas and UNEARTE, and having among her teachers Susan Bello, Evelyn Pérez, Cristina Gallardo, Ricardo Rodríguez, Inés Rojas y Carlos Penso. Having professionally dance with diverse venezuelan dance companies such as Pisorrojo (NepenteThe NutcrackerFértilTeselaPilastraSeis Ecos), Neodanza (AzarFestival de Improvisación Día 13El BoqueteFuror Navideño), Sieteocho (Análogo) and Proyecto Movimiento (O: Una Mirada a Oriente desde Occidente), she continued her investigation in Europe taking workshops with David Zambrano, Humanhood, Sharon Friedman, Siciliano Contemporary Ballet, Tomi Paasonen, Descalzhina Danza and taking part of the EBB Junior Company. Once in Germany, she starts her investigation as a choreographer developing solo pieces, among them Buscando (2020), 1990 (2021), Penelope (2022) and Crescent (2023) and presentig her projects in different spaces in Berlin and Europe.

by Steffen Wollmann
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