Sara Pinheiro

Sara Pinheiro

Sara Pinheiro is a sound-maker. For film and video-art she does sound recording, editing,
foley and mixing. In her solo practice she makes acousmatic pieces, usually for multichannel
performances, radio broadcasts or installations.She is a member of the live-coding group K-o-l-e-k-t-i-v and the noise trio SHLUK.
She is also a regular collaborator with Synth Library and Arteacta, both in Prague. She has
been facilitating workshops, soundwalks and listening sessions since 2012. Pinheiro is also
the author of REGARDLESS, “Field recordings: a manifesto” and “Noise Pollution and Sound
Beyond Sound” (with SHLUK).

the square picture shows a scene on stage kept in blue light. Sara sits in the left front corner at the table and leans towards her computer. Next to her on the table are other electronic instruments and in the back center we can see a speaker box.
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