the assdroids share the stage

Donnerstag, 17 Mai, 2007 - 23:00

the assdroids share the stage

Aaron Snyder
Jason Forrest

- The Assdroids (Berlin/Denver)

- Bruno and Michel are Smiling With Skipperrr (Hamburg)
- Iron Bitchface (Canada)

+ DJ Jason Forrest and special Bröckel show!


With the long awaited E.P. (Daddy's Gone on Cock Rock Disco) finally in stores and a full length due out this May, The Assdroids embark on their first ever European tour. Pisces Motherfucker (guitar, vox, computer) and Big Daddy Mugglestone (drums, vox, guitar, noise), the engineers of the spastic noise-rock/computer grind duo based out of Berlin and Denver, will perform their manic and often absurd music to a strangely devoted fan base all over Europe. They have been here before, but never with this line-up and with the full reign of terror they will spread across the EU.

Mugglestone's frantic poly-rhythms and incessant cymbal grabbing collide with Pisces' unintelligible shrieks and whines to create the basis of their live set. But add to the barrage computer samples (everything from vintage Sprite commercials to Mariah Carey to Anton Webern) and overdriven feedback noise out of Mugglestone's karaoke machine, and you get closer to the sound of the enigmatic duo. As this dense and chaotic music surges between bouts of comically
desperate bickering and undeserved praise playfully tossed back and forth by Mugglestone and Pisces, the irreverent ruckus of the Assdroids becomes undeniable. These mentalists create a frenzy on stage by yelling at the crowd and pulling the deserving or reluctant up on stage, while Mugglestone hurls drumsticks and cymbals into the throng. It is an event you cannot bear to watch: you must participate.

First formed in 2003 to create an e-grind tribute to Richard Pryor, the Assdroids have now gone on to terrorize Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring.' Their version, downloaded now over 70,000 times through Cock Rock Disco's web page, "cheerfully deconstructs the virtuosic piece using a combination of live drums/guitar and synth voices that drag

the listener in and out of the gutter but still somehow maintain the structure" (Noise Politician). Due out on their upcoming full length (Mother's Day on Cock Rock Disco) featuring videos and a wide array of instrumentation, this track and others prove that these guys won't be disappearing any time soon.

Bruno and Michel are Smiling with Skipperrr::>

Meet the apart duo, named after the uneven brothers of intellectuals guru Houellebecq and Barbies little sister: An entertaining mutant disco pop music with no chance to snip your fingers, a catching performance with no chance to take a breath: the slick gentleman and the breathtaking showgirl dont play any instruments, they play on your nerves. The pomo melange between sampling and collage, digital and
guitar hardcore kills any rhythm as soon as you discovered one. With archetypes like Devo and Schönberg, Nintendo and Queen the nonduoduo creates a noisy rising cosi fan tutte just to destroy it in a second.
Although both of them reaped the benefits of a merely bourgeois education with classical music and piano lessons, they enjoy to scream until the bohemian glass will break. With the naïve song-structure, built like the childrens wooden blocks repeated in their lyrics: like scrabble and educational method-learning bruno and michel are smiling with skipperrr create patchwork lyrics about the evil in the banal, ironically citing and repeating the dialectics of progress. And, au contraire and totally different to all the other bands and
band-concept-duo-organisations, they just do what they like to do!

Band-History Bamas:
1998 first pieces of electronic music with screaming 2001 release on Nanoloop-compilation with Merzbow, Hrvatski, DAT politics, Felix Kubin, Blectum from Blechdom, etc. 2002 self-release of mini-cdr living-room-music". 2003 exhibition of everyday body-market in the Museum of Modern Art, Paris. Since 2003 Bamas & Skipperrr: Release on Sozialistischer Plattenbau. 2004 on tour through Italy, Europe. Gig at the Scala, London. ADAADAT. 2005 The big Millipede released on Renda-Records, Japan. Gig at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. 2006 Release of 7 single on ADAADAT-Records. on Tour: France(Nuit blanche Amiens), Spain(Experimentaclub, Madrid), USA (Los Angeles, San Diego), Shows in the Netherlands + Belgium. 2007: Planned release of 12" on ADAADAT

Iron Bitchface:::>

Taking influences from bands like Prince, Atari Teenage Riot and Gorgoroth, to name a few, Iron Bitchface has released countless splits and releases with bands and labels from all over the world. These releases have gotten the attention of media resulting in radio appearances, various web and print zine interviews and even landed IBF on a couple covers of local papers. In 2006 Iron Bitchface released "Pulse Pounding Cyber Slam", the CD that some called "the Sgt. Peppers of our time." IBF couldn't disagree more and besides, the Beatles suck! Over the past few years Iron Bitchface has trekked across many lands, destroying many ears on their journeys. From traveling across their native Canada to various parts of Europe and most recently the United States east coast, the band has played for the masses and the masses have screamed for more! Whether it be playing on church alters in the Canadian prairies, packing the streets at a Danish water fountain, freezing in the rain on a Swedish industrial pier or just partying in basements, art galleries, backyards or clubs; no venue is too big or too small for Iron Bitchface!



Staying true to their noise/electronics/video games and black metal influence, IBF has just released their follow up album to "Pulse Pounding Cyber Slam" titled: "We Are Trolls." "We Are Trolls" is a collection of four recording sessions that Iron Bitchface worked on though out the months after returning from their "Marcel Is A Scientist" Summer 2006 east U.S. tour. In honour of this new masterpiece the band will be taking the show on the road to Europe once again. Let's get this party started! It would seem that Iron Bitchface is like a train wreck. People want to look away but can not and seem to end up embracing and maybe even learning to love or at the very least put up with the band or maybe it's getting a cheap laugh at IBF's expense or MAYBE people just genuinely like the band, but that last one seems a little far fetched...


with special guests and dj's, this will be a
premium night of enjoyment and lust!



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