deVega / Kouligas / Tricoli+Piotrowicz

Samstag, 07 Mai, 2011 - 21:30

deVega / Kouligas / Tricoli+Piotrowicz

Mario de Vega
Valerio Tricoli

doors: 21.30
starts: 22.00

Mario de Vega

His work overlaps relations between stability, failure, simulation and ambiguity with site-specific interventions, sound events, process-oriented projects, sculpture, modified electronics and sound improvisation. As an improviser, his practice explores the value of fragility & in-determination involving a wide range of customized objects, analog and modified electronics, turntables and computer based interfaces in different combinations. deVega´s work has appeared in different contexts throughout Europe, Mexico, United States, Canada, Russia, Korea and Japan.


Bill Kouligas

Bill Kouligas is a sound artist and designer, better known for his solo project Family Battle Snake. He also runs the sound art label PAN with vinyl editions of electronic and experimental artists. His music captures a variety of different sounds and time periods filtered through an imaginary urban soundscape. Emerging through a noise underground, ominous like a cloak of whispers, he now floats on a plane ebbing and flowing between electronic tape music and gluey entropicalia. With the use of analogue synth, tape manipulation and electronics he employs warm drones and a musique concrete approach through structured perspectives on a journey across time.
Bill has collaborated with the likes of C. Spencer Yeh, Destroy All Monsters, Sudden Infant, John Olson (Wolf Eyes), Joseph Hammer (LAFMS), Ralf Wehowsky/RLW, Chris Corsano, Damo Suzuki, Christian Weber, Anla Courtis, Astro, MV Carbon, Pete Nolan (Magik Markers), Valerio Cosi, Birds of Delay and Kouhei Matsunaga to name a few.


Robert Piotrowicz

Piotrowicz is a sound artist, composer and improviser, playing contemporary electro-acoustic music and through-composed noise. His main tools as an instrumentalist are modular synth and guitar. He’s an experienced improviser, working with world’s leading sound artists and musicians. He has composed/created numerous solo projects (recordings, performances), interdisciplinary projects (scores for Theatre plays , literary and radio projects) and abstract sound installations and participated in many art events around the world.
Piotrowicz is the co-founder and curator of the Musica Genera label/festival since 1999 and has many other contemporary sound art festivals and projects in Poland and abroad.


Valerio Tricoli

His compositions bridge musique concrète and conceptual forms of sound (i.e. the radical interest in how reality, virtuality, memory relate to each other during the acoustic event): music, as a recorded or as a synthetically-modeled sound, is always hovering between the “here and now” of the event and the shady domain of memory – distant but at the same time present, like a déjà–vu experience. Tricoli plays live music with electronic instruments – most of them analogue – (reel-to-reel tape recorders, synthesizers, microphones, light effects, ultrasonic speakers), however the structure of the device is ever-changing, seeking multiple relations between the performers, the device and the space in which the event takes place.

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