If Bwana+Fiebig / Non-Lieux / Abbott+Yoshikawa
Image for If Bwana+Fiebig / Non-Lieux / Abbott+Yoshikawa

Samstag, 19 Oktober, 2013 - 21:30

If Bwana+Fiebig / Non-Lieux / Abbott+Yoshikawa

Pierce Warnecke
Rodolphe Loubatière
Daichi Yoshikawa

If, Bwana + Gerald Fiebig
Al Margolis (If, Bwana) (b. 1955)
Al Margolis has been an activist in the 1980s American cassette underground through his cassette label Sound of Pig Music and was co-founder of experimental music label Pogus Productions, which he continues to run. Active under the name If, Bwana since 1984, making music that has swung between fairly spontaneous studio constructions and more process-oriented composition. Margolis continues to collaborate live with video artist Katherine Liberovskaya and performs as part of a laptop duo with Doug Van Nort and an electronic/acoustic duo with Tom Hamilton.

Gerald Fiebig (b. 1973)
Gerald Fiebig helps run the experimental music label attenuation circuit and works with sound in installations, radio, recordings, and live performances. In addition to his solo work, he releases and performs mostly drone-based music as Sustained Development and lo-fi pop songs as part of the trio Jesus Jackson und die grenzlandreiter. The latest addition to his many collaborations with other musicians is a split LP with If, Bwana in unique hand-painted sleeves, just out on Attenuation Circuit. At this night’s show, Al and Gerald will present the electroacoustic compositions from the LP, based on recorders, organs, and guitars.

Rodolphe Loubatière - Snare drum
Pierce Warnecke - Electronics
LP release October 2013  

This album is the result of an exploration of extremes in dynamics, timber and time between percussion and electronics. The juxtaposition of opposites- whether it be between acoustic or electronic sounds, stagnant or accelerated developments, pure spectrums or extremely distorted ones- could describe this improvised, reactive and electroacoustic music.

Paul Abbott - Snare drum
Daichi Yoshikawa - amplified object and electronics

Daichi Yoshikawa
Using a variety of inverted, diverted and reinvented electronic and acoustic devices he strikes a constantly evolving balance between harsh atonal feedback and elegant high-frequency constructions. And used to be in a band called Ampersand and has been attending Eddie Prevost”s weekly workshop.

Paul Abbott
Paul Abbott has been a quietly innovative presence in London's improvised music scene for the last few years working with electronics and self-built instruments before more recently dedicating a good part of his energy to the radical potential of an unadorned drumset, notably as one third of lll人 with Seymour Wright and Daichi Yoshikawa - a trio that recaptures free jazz's original ability to simultaneously shock, confound and delight.

This event is curated by Emitter Micro

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