Taking Things Apart : Day 3
Image for Taking Things Apart : Day 3

Sonntag, 21 Oktober, 2018 - 21:00

Taking Things Apart : Day 3

Felicity Mangan
Felicity Mangan
Gretchen Blegen
Christina Ertl Shirley
Mario de Vega



specification enables further specification:  a three day festival with new and developing sound works

taking apart the notion of composition and putting things back together.

doors:  19h30  |  concert:  20h00


Festival Day 3:

sonic spatiality architecture environment landscapes 

  • Heike Vester & Madita Zetzsche / Ocean Sounds

    Ocean sounds focuses on the biology and vocal communication of whales and dolphins in different places of the world. Installation with/about their work will be presented at ausland tonight. Click here for more infos about Ocean Sounds.

  • “Funktion nicht ganz klar” from Christina Ertl-Shirley, Felicity Mangan and Gretchen Blegen

    a new constellation and new piece about the "Lieberose Wüste" in Brandenburg.

  • Mario de Vega

    Utilising strategies as handouts, or rather the requirement to sign a declaration form to take over the responsibility for eventual consequences of an art exhibition visit, no obvious warning labels, blindness, otoacoustic phenomena, architectonic barriers, ambiguous situations between acoustic phenomena and signal amplification. Ambivalences between processes and results, between the obvious and the unknown. 

    His work explores the tension between documentation and performativity, addressing aural activity visually. Photographic documentation, video, objects, remains of actions, events, and situations producing ambiguous relations between objects and spaces.

    Performative situations both improvisational and contingent in which documentation constitutes a nuanced aspect of his practice developing modes of presentation for pieces that are otherwise not amenable to a more traditional art context, like the gallery or museum.

  • Abendkarte 8€ / Festivalpass 20€

Gefördert vom Musikfonds e. V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und vom Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin - Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur - FB Kunst und Kultur



As part of the festival Taking Things Apart

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