Tuesday, 18 May, 2004 - 22:00
Renkel Solo/Hess + Chauveau
teil I
Michael Renkel (Berlin) Solo:
Errorkoerper für E-Gitarre, FX Prozessor und Notebook
Michael's Homepage
teil II
Steven Hess: percussions
Sylvain Chauveau: prepared guitar
This album was recorded during summer 2003 by Steven and Sylvain, improvising slowly and very quietly in the silence of Acme studio.
The recording session was done by Jeremy Lemos, a sound engineer who has been working with Jim O’Rourke, Smog, Rob Mazurek, Town and Country, US Maple.
The three hours of tapes played by On were then sent to the Norwegian producer Helge Sten (aka Deathprod), from the improv band Supersilent. In his hands, the pieces became those long monochromes of distant sounds, where the instruments are transformed into layers of grey, brown and black.
Steven Hess collaborates with many Chicago musicians (Pan American, the Dropp Ensemble, and Greg Davis). He toured in the USA and Europe. Steven currently plays with post-rock band Bosco & Jorge, whose songs are remixed by ex-Tortoise member Bundy K. Brown, and Pulseprogramming.
Sylvain Chauveau has made four solo records (DSA, Fatcat) of sweet, short pieces for piano and strings. He’s been working for cinema and dance shows. He’s played live in Europe and USA, opening several times for Sigur Ros. Sylvain also part of avant-rock band Arca (DSA) and electronic duo Micro:mega.
Sylvain's Homepage
Steven Hess
Sylvain Chauveau
As part of the series biegungen im ausland