Wednesday, 23 April, 2014 - 20:00
EMS Stockholm: Präsentation und Archivabend
Eröffnungsabend zum "Alter Schwede!" 2-Festival!
Das ausland wird zum 50. Jubiläum der Stockholmer Institution für einen Abend zum Archiv des Elektronmusikstudion (EMS): Im Gespräch mit dem Autor und Musiker Pär Thörn stellt EMS-Direktor Mats Lindström die Institution und ihre Geschichte seit 1964 vor. Vor allem aber gibt es ausgewählte Aufnahmen aus dem Studioarchiv zum gemeinsamen Anhören, mit Schwerpunkt auf älteren Text/Sound-Kompositionen.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt frei | Admission free | @ facebook
Archive night on the occasion of Elektronmusikstudion Stockholm's (EMS) 50th anniversary - opening night of "Alter Schwede!"2-festival! Writer and musician Pär Thörn and EMS-director Mats Lindström will talk about EMS' history and play selected recordings from the EMS archive, with focus on historic text/sound-compositions.
Mats Lindström and Pär Thörn will play and introduce-
Electro-acoustic compositions:
Knut Wiggen - "Sommarmorgon" (1971)
Roberta Settels - "Landscape with 3 Tape recorders" (1973)
Ákos Rózmann - (TBA)
Text-sound compositions:
Åke Hodell - "Spirit of Ecstasy" - Racing Car Opera (1977)
Jarl and Sonja Hammarberg-Åkesson: "Do you ask what we are doing"? (1968)
Sten Hanson - "How are you"? (1970)
Jenny Suneson - "Anaglypta" (2006)
Dip into EMS-videos from the 1970s/80s over here:
Since 1964, EMS Elektronmusikstudion is the centre for Swedish electroacoustic music and sound-art. EMS is run as an independent part of Statens Musikverk (Music Development and Heritage Sweden).
Besides making professional studios available for the production of electroacoustic music and sound-art, EMS’ aim is to support artistic development of electroacoustic music and its integration within other artistic areas. EMS represents electroacoustic music from Sweden in various international contexts and sees as one of its main tasks to act as an informer, both nationally and internationally. Foreign composers regularly come to EMS to work and may be granted a working period by submitting a project application according to the same conditions that Swedish composers are subject to.

As part of the festival "Alter Schwede!" 2