Wednesday, 15 January, 2025 - 19:30
Fem*noise x Synth Library Prague
Lun Ario & Notorische Ruhestoerung
Ursula Sereghy
Evil Medvěd
Sara Pinheiro
Hiding Season
Fem*noise x Synth Library Prague
Doors 19:00 | Concerts 20:00 | Tickets (only at door) 5-15€
Ursula Sereghy (Synth Library Prague) – experimental electronics /wonky
Evil Medvěd (Synth Library Prague) – experimental electronics
hiding season + Sara Pinheiro (Synth Library Prague) – soft noise, foley, artificial
Lun Ário + Notorische Ruhestörung (fem*noise, Berlin) – noise & drums
The evening is curated by the fem*noise network and Synth Library Prague, showcasing the
outcome of a self-organized exchange between musicians who share a feminist approach to
creating noise. Over six days spent in Berlin and Prague, the collaboration fosters a
temporary space for FLINTA performers to share experiences and perform together.
The public event in Berlin takes place at ausland on 15 January, followed by an event at
Punctum in Prague on 17 January.
Synth Library Prague is a space for sharing, creating, discussing, experimenting, learning
and unlearning together not only in the field of electronic music. Space full of instruments,
books and more sources of sounds and inspiration run by artists and curators with the aim to
rehearse together, support each other, collaborate and listen to each other with respect, to
reflect context, rebuild modular structures and create welcoming space in which we can test
new instruments as well as new ideas and ways of living and organizing. The Synth Library
runs thanks to volunteers and donations.
fem*noise is a network of feminist FLINTA musicians and visual artists navigating the
experimental music scenes in Berlin and beyond. Founded in 2023, the group exists both in
the digital realm and through live events and gatherings, creating spaces to reflect on shared
experiences as feminist practitioners.
*Strong Effect Disclaimer: some performances may have loud and noisy moments. At the night of the event
there won’t be any use of strobes of haze added to the shows.
information on ausland accessibility HERE
Artwork by Tamara Spalajkovic & Jeannette Petrik