Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia © Paul Bourdrel | PareiDoliA © Uta Neumann
Friday, 29 March, 2024 - 20:30
Marta Zapparoli
Liz Allbee
Maria Bertel
Nina Garcia
Doors 20.30 Uhr | Concerts 21 Uhr | Tickets (nur Abendkasse | only at door) € 10,--
Maria Bertel – trombone, electronics
Nina Garcia – guitar, effects
Liz Allbee – quad trumpet, voice, electronic
Marta Zapparoli – tape recorders, antennas, radio receivers, electronics
With each of their concerts trombone player Maria Bertel and guitarist Nina Garcia push themselves and their instruments to the limits. Bertel (Selvhenter, Ymers Pizza) and Garcia (Mariachi, mamiedaragon) possess the absolute desire for intensity. Their means of expression are feedback, drones, crackling, short circuits, overtones, and random harmonies. In spring 2024 the duo will release their new album KNÆKKET SMIL (broken smile).
Nina Garcia lives in Paris. Performing under the moniker Mariachi, her music is published by the record label Na Lagos. Maria Bertel, also known from her projects Selvhenter and Bad Asthma, lives in Denmark and is a member of the Copenhagen music collective eget værelse (translation: own room).
PareiDoliA is Marta Zapparoli and Liz Allbee. Zapparoli works with self built antennas, radio receivers, scanners and detectors and catches sound from the air. Liz Allbee works with her prototype of a quadraphonic trumpet, her voice and electronics.
The physical phenomenons that PareiDoliA turn into music, normally lie beyond the threshold of human perception. The duo reconfigures the embodiment of instruments and performers. Their program »Imagine that Light is a Fish«, a melange of musical information that speaks for itself, is a collage about time travel, vibration, voices and the great cosmic abyss. The work was commissioned by Radio free FM and funded by Musikfonds e.V. and the cultural department of the city of Ulm. The piece will be presented for the first time in Berlin at the series biegungen im ausland.
Supported by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.
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As part of the series biegungen im ausland