Michaela Maxi Schulz

Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 - 11:12

Michaela Maxi Schulz

Michaela Maxi Schulz is a performer and project manager in the performing arts scene in Berlin. Her projects connect the themes of intersectional feminism, anti-ableism, and critical whiteness. Her work consists of artistic, performative, and political formats. Since 2016, Michaela has been deeply engaged with the topics of dying, death, grieve and care (DDGC), and in 2017, she initiated the project "#yodo – you only die once." Since then, she has been collaborating with artists and experts to advance the destigmatization of DDGC through various artistic means. The overarching goal of #yodo is to establish a contemporary form of artistic knowledge transfer. Michaela has been volunteering as a death and grieve companion at the outpatient Lazarus hospice service for the last 8 years, accompanying many people in their final stages of life. Through her years of experience as a death and grieve companion, she has become an expert through experience.

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