Saturday, 21 September, 2024 - 19:30
**Y** by PanDeter
Liz Kosack
Steve Heather
Dan Peter Sundland
What is **Y**?
Liz Kosack – synthesizers
Dan Peter Sundland – electric basses
Steve Heather – drums & electronics
**Y** (pronouced "four star Y") is a Berlin based outfit playing some heavy and weird and driving
improv, casually careening toward psychedelia and rockjazz but careful to avoid those tired pitfalls
and walk away without cheese stains on the boots, as they say*. Unknit pulsations bob and
intermingle like cheap colored wax drooping into snakepiles oozing over sugar frosting whose
moisture glints in a low hazy fire-dance on the spongy plane of the uttermost top-layer.
Liz Kosack is a decorated Synthesiste and face-shifting interplanetary messenger. Dan Peter
Sundland is a crazy norseman dressed in suits who has naughty bass etiquette. Steve Heather is
an unkempt vicious southerner with a dangerous mix of humor, virtuosity, and modernist chivalry.
What is four star Y?
four star Y is a fully improvised, meticulously crafted, multilayered groove extravaganza from Berlin
based master improvisers Liz Kosack, Dan Peter Sundland and Steve Heather. This album ties
together high-level artistic improvising concepts with butt shaking groove fun.
Throughout the album, the trio explores textures and moods from scratchy wailing to expansive
synth landscapes to complex, yet intuitive counter rhythms and musical layers.
The trio moves as a single organism, sometimes adding new layers of complexity, sometimes
slowly shifting the mood, and sometimes radically jumping to the next chapter; never doubting the
journey or where it is going.
Four star Y was recorded in the mysterious G5 basement, a place now lost to time, by Dan Peter
Sundland. Mixed by Dan Peter Sundland & Steve Heather, mastered by Joe Talia.
The album opens up on the synthesiser prairie of "Easy Now", gradually being broken up by bass
and drum interference until the band converges in a mellower, flexibly layered groove state. From
there, the group moves through the synth-drum-enhanced countergroove of "Big Splash", to the
more complexly layered "Closing Credits" where the band finds a stuttering, sputtering un-groove
that carries us into a state of flowing, disjointed bliss.
"Small Town Pugs" delves into a deceptively normal space, with drums playing a straightforward
groove, with synth pads and bowed electric bass making up the evolving backdrop to Kosack's 80's
sounding lead. A moment of held notes and electric sounds give way to a new groove.
Groove gives way to the grindy, stormy background with a screaming Liz lead in "Girl Talk". Steve
brings his clangiest percussion to melt with Dan Peter's scratching bass while Liz confidently wails
her synthesised pleas.
The trio then relaxes into "Dream Phone", the last track of the album. Soft chords and flowing lines
are joined by a big, fluffy beat to bring us to a pleasant rounding off of the album.
**Y** – four star Y is available on CD and digitally from September 20th.
*no one says that
Who is **Y**?
Liz Kosack, from Maine, USA, is a synthesizer and piano player, composer, and mask maker
dabbling in graphic design and stage design. She's a world class improviser, being awarded the
prestigious SWR Jazz Award 2019. She's well known in European improvising settings, and has
performed with entities like Peter Evans, Okkyung Lee, Anna Webber and Nick Dunston. Her
projects have performed in festivals and clubs throughout Europe and the US.
Dan Peter Sundland is a Norwegian electric bass player and composer known for his personal
approach to the instrument, blending the acoustic and electric through a multitude of extended
techniques and bowing. His discography includes compositional work for his own eleven-piece
Elevenette and the Berlin based quartet Home Stretch, as well as sideman work and collective
groups including Lina Allemano's Ohrenschmaus, MEOW! with Liz Kosack, Cansu Tanrıkulu and
Jim Black, as well as Simon Kanzler's hardcore opera Nodia Es.
Steve Heather (AU-DE) is a freelance musician (drums, percussion, electronics) composer,
performance and installation maker based in Berlin.
Steve is interested in the repetitive acoustic territories of every day life informing his and others
sonic agency. His research revolves around the physicality of sonic boundaries and how it informs
compositional methodologies, materials and structures along with the listeners corporal reading
thereof. His music is a collision of captivating simplicity and fleeting subtle complexity. Hypnotic and
Steve current music projects/bands vary from avant guard, free jazz to noise, drone rock,
progressive fitness disco and include: Stiff Leather, The Still, Booklet and The Splitter Orchestra.
Steve's music is riddled with noise and rapture, sudden links, resonances, offered assistance and
conflicts of interest.
Strong Effect disclaimer: the concert will, at certain points, use fog and strobe light effects
This event is made possible thanks to Initiative Musik | Live 500 support