Amplify Side Show IV

Mittwoch, 19 Mai, 2004 - 22:00

Amplify Side Show IV

Axel Dörner
Christof Kurzmann
Axel Dörner
Christof Kurzmann
Burkhard Stangl

uffjepasst! Türöffnung um 21.00, das Konzert beginnt um 22.00

attention please: door opens at 21.00, the concert starts at 22.00

eintritt 8.- euros
cover 8.- euros


Amplify Side Show IV:
Sachiko M. (sine waves, contact mike)
Otomo Yoshihide (guitar, turntables,electronics)
Toshimaru Nakamura (no-input mixing board)
Keith Rowe (tabletop guitar, electronics),
Franz Hautzinger (quartertone trumpet)
Axel Dörner (slide trumpet)
Burkhard Stangl (guitar, devices)
Christof Kurzmann (computer, clarinet)

Amplify Festival

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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