Bullock/Gauguet + Ermke/Tuerlinckx

Donnerstag, 05 Juni, 2014 - 20:00

Bullock/Gauguet + Ermke/Tuerlinckx

Bertrand Gauguet
Mike Bullock
Andrea Ermke

Andrea Ermke: mini discs, mixing board
Anaïs Tuerlinckx: piano

Mike Bullock: analog synthesizer
Bertrand Gauguet: amplified alto & soprano saxophones

Duo performance from French saxophonist Bertrand Gauguet and US electronic composer and improviser, Mike Bullock. Carefully controlled urgency and mystery, created with alto and baritone sax, modular synthesizer, and field recordings. Riding the line between instrumental free improvisation and electronic soundscape, Bullock & Gauguet trade roles back and forth: at times the saxophone acts as the nebulous ground to the synth’s figurations.

Bullock & Gauguet first played as a duo in Basel, Switzerland in April 2012; that month they also undertook a tour of several Swiss cities, in trio with cracked everyday electronics pioneer Andy Guhl. In October 2012, the three artists reunited in Fresnes-en- Woëvre, France, for Festival Densités. Mike and Bertrand had first performed together in Massachusetts in 2011, with cellist Vic Rawlings.


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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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