Great Waitress + Daniel Puig: Nàrwal
Image for Great Waitress + Daniel Puig: Nàrwal

Samstag, 18 Januar, 2014 - 21:30

Great Waitress + Daniel Puig: Nàrwal

Magda Mayas
Laura Altman
Monika Brooks
Daniel Puig

Great Waitress
Magda Mayas – piano
Laura Altman – clarinet
Monika Brooks – accordion

"If spiders have musical dreams while spinning webs, they might sound like the fragile wisps of sound created by Great Waitress....Sometimes the individual instruments become blurred in a sonic mystery that is both enthralling and disorienting. Almost invariably, the sounds are tiny and delicate - just the faintest engraving upon silence - and as intricately connected as that spider's web"
Record release of our 2nd album "Flock"!


Daniel Puig: Nàrwal

Daniel Puig (b.1970, Petrópolis, Brazil) is a contemporary music composer currently based in Berlin, Germany (with a DAAD scholarship for a research internship at the UdK (Universität der Künste). His music is primarily focused on organically integrating performers and real-time electronics, freely fluctuating between improvisation and controlled material, with a special emphasis on multimedia realizations.
His solo project is entitled Nàrwal. All pieces involve live-electronics, sensors and improvisation.

(objects, contact-mikes and wiiremote)
líquida (video)
tinkling light on my fingers (candle lamp, thimbles and wiiremote)
echolocation — about when we find our stories (voice)
lek (video and sensors)

doors 8.30 pm
concert start 9 pm

Suppported by INM.

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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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