Krõõt Juurak

Krõõt Juurak

Krõõt Juurak is a performer, choreographer, lecturer and artist. Born in Tallinn in 1981, she currently lives and works in Vienna. She studied contemporary dance at the Arnhem Institute of the Arts and visual arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam. Since 1999 she has performed hew works "Camouflage" (with Merle Saarva), "Green House" , "Once Upon", "Artistic Approach", "Look Look" (with Anne Juren), "Burning Down the House" (with Laura Kalauz) at numerous theatres and dance houses, festival and platforms in Europe and beyond. In 2004 she was selected East-European artist in residence at the Tanzquartier Vienna and four years later was invited to the dialogue and performance marathon Correspondances (artists in residence in dialogue) where she gave a performative talk in collaboration with Manuel Pelmus. The Tanzquartier also has commissioned her for a performance sketch about Instructions which will take place as part of the "Island nr. 9" in June 2009. She currently collaborates with Ralo Mayer and the magazine Multiplex Fiction, EVERYBODYS (, Sleeping Performance etc. Her latest work is the lecture "Artists' Responsibility" (artist as pet) toured symposia and conferences about art, institutions and the future. Now looking for a residency.

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