Raras Umaratih

Raras Umaratih



Raras Umaratih (they/them/dia) is a multimedia artist and organizer who is currently working and studying in Berlin since 2018. Before that they were part of Jakarta-based MilisiFilem Collective. They work with different mediums as is needed by the idea, including: compost worms + ecosystems, animation, zines and self-publishing, painting, sculptures, writing, spoken word in mother-, second-, and third-tongues, and site-specific performances. They co-organized the “Lambe Lambe” street occupation poster workshops together with Anne Nascimento, and they also initiated the collective zine project Garuk Garuk (‘scratch scratch’) from April ’23. One of their day jobs is also working as tutor for *foundationClass, an art study prep program for people with experience of exile and/or racism.

They believe in shifting away from a competitive, merit-based art-as-commodity industry, and into practices that seek to relate, and to keep the conversation going.

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