All the Rivers Flashresidency: Gruppe Wissenslücke
Duotone image edited to shocking pink and black, of a banner held up over the heads of a protesting crowd as it passes the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. The banner is painted with thick lines of handwritten text which read: “How actively did you ignore a genocide today?”

Montag, 17 Juni, 2024 - 10:00

All the Rivers Flashresidency: Gruppe Wissenslücke

Gruppe Wissenslücke came together out of a need to make sense of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We have been meeting weekly since early November 2023, conducting film screenings, readings and seminars focused on unlearning entan­glements of violence, oppression and colonial structures in Palestine-Israel, Germany and elsewhere. Initiated by students of the UdK, our counter-pedagogy collective has now grown into an alliance of stu­dents, activists and art workers focussing on critically unlearning entanglements of violence, oppres­sion and colonial structures.


We are a group of people coming from different positions, united by a politics to center and support the Palestinian voices within our group against institutional violence and silencing. We have a collective com­mitment to challenging anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian-racism and anti-Judaism, by making it trans­parent how institutions manipulate and intrumentalise marginalised identities.


In our flash residency at ausland we will further develop our archives, our work on speculative media resistance and collections of terminologies for publication in our readers/glossary. Our residency will culminate in a public performance and screening (registration required).


*Details on performance/screening, admission and registration will follow*

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As part of the series All The Rivers

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