Nine Lives: Volume 2

Mittwoch, 10 Juni, 2009 - 21:00

Nine Lives: Volume 2

Christof Kurzmann
Andrea Neumann
Christof Kurzmann
Clayton Thomas
Robin Hayward
Jean-Luc Guionnet
Seijiro Muramaya
Clare Cooper
Diego Chamy
Andrea Neumann
Alexandre Babel

Two nights of spontaneous music and performance at Ausland.

In March 2009, three fantastic improvisers from Chicago happened to be in Berlin on one night, six of their favourite colleagues also happened to live here and be here, and so, with little stress, a memorable night of music was made at Wabe.

The night was curated under the name NINE LIVES, which at the time seemed like an easy, poetic umbrella –simultaneously evoking luck, getting away with anything, the totality of the improvising musicians engagement in their art, and the simple mathematics of it all.

This June, we are blessed with another fortuitous gathering of international improvisers and friends, and so, Nine Lives emerges for volume two.

This time Jean-Luc Guionnet, the brilliant also saxophonist, organist and electro-acoustic composer from Paris, and his close colleague, the Japanese born, French resident Seijiro Muramaya will be in Berlin. On June 10 and 11 they will be joined by Berlin based improvisers, hailing from the four corners of the globe – including Argentina, Australia, England, Switzerland, Austria and Deutchland.

Jean-Luc Guionnet - alto saxophone (FR)
Seijro Muramaya - percussion (J)
Alexandre Babel - percussion (CH)
Diego Chamy - movement and sound (ARG/D)
Clare Cooper - guzheng (AUS /D)
Robin Hayward - tuba (GB/D)
Christof Kurzmann - electronics (A)
Andrea Neumann - Innenklavier (D)
Clayton Thomas - double bass (AUS/D)


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