Donnerstag, 01 Dezember, 2011 - 21:00
The Swan Song - 2nd Scene 1st act
1 Dec 2011 - 23:18
proudly present a reading with songs of Scene 2, Act 1 of the Operetta:
hidden gardens of neglect
congregating here and there
little islands of repair
in a world that doesn´t care
(excerpt from the Hilarias aria)
Dramatis personae
The Bar family:
Hilaria (soprano): Amateur botanist, world traveler for good causes (our Romeo)
Sylvan (alto): Hilarias’ best friend, half-blind gigolo, ex-Ethnographer
Florian (tenor): Nephew of Tante Auguste, family historian, secretly in love with Poppy
Tante Auguste (basso): Matriarch of the bar, political dragon, rumored to be involved in an affair with Diana
Poppy: Is the comrade in arms to Tante Auguste, loves poppy cake and lives with Fritzy
The card table: An ornery group of regulars who have been playing bridge, canasta, rummy, cribbage, chinese checkers, whist and poker since Tante Auguste was a little girl.
Hansi: (missing) A local, friend of the card table gang, living in the neighborhood since eternity and also a gentleman
The Gallery family:
Hannah (bariton): A complacent menial worker in the culture industry, wife of Heschel (our Julia)
Patience (mezzosoprano): Idealist Gallery owner and best friend of Hannah, has secrets concerning Diana
Diana (alto): Goddess and single mother who lives with Patience, and works for Patience
Heschel (soprano): Husband of Hannah, lawyer and a dandy who is carrying on an affair with Sylvan
Melanie (coleratura soprano): Ingénue, artist
Hobbes (tenor): Aging aquarellist
Toto: Self-satisfied City council worker
Locations Scouts
libretto written by: Ida Wilde and G-Bliss Productions
Song lyrics written by : Jennifer Rash, Koko Schanel, Ida Wilde, G-Bliss Productions and Ruth Waldeyer
Score composition by: Jennifer Rash and Koko Schanel
choreography: Lucio Feraso
music performed by: The Wedding Band
costumes and make-up designed by: Lacöschte
Performed by: Conrad Noack, Carola Caggiano, Eduard Mont de Palol, Itay Zfira, Johanna Olausson, Keren Ida Nathan, Martin Ertl, Mirjam Junker, Nathalie Ponneau, Ruth Waldeyer, Ulrike Ertl and and wonderfully kind Guests from ausland and elsewhere!
At 8 o’clock / 20:00 uhr On Thursday / Donnerstag 1st of December 2011 at ausland
Drinking is encouraged during the performance (the performance is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes long)
The operetta The Swan Song has been in continuous production by a stubborn staff of creators and an ever growing crowd of lovely guests. It is performed scene by scene in various venues throughout town.
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As part of the series Residenzen