Thursday, 10 February, 2005 - 22:30
ilios+xabier erkizia
ilios (GR/Antifrost): electronics
xabier erkizia (E/Antifrost): electronics
extreme electronics and electricity
Ilios is a sonic experimentalist from Greece. He started in 1992 and since has released a number of solo albums, staged several multimedia shows and contributed tracks to numerous compilations on labes such as Staalplaat, Diskono and Absurd. In 1997 he launched his own label Antifrost on which he publishes the music of like-minded experimental musicians including Francisco Lopez, Sachiko M, Daniel Menche, Kim Cascone, Jason Kahn, Zbigniew Karkowski, Maja Ratkje and Philip Samartzis. Ilios also works for dance, theatre, cinema and communication projects. He did collaboration projects with: Francisco Lopez, Jason Kahn, Coti, Steinbruechel, Teleform, Thurston Moore, as11, a.o. In the last 10 years ilios?s sonic spectrum has been moving constantly from orthodox silence to catholic noise stopping over to infamous covers including Gainsbourg's "Je t'aime" and the theme from american soap opera "Dynasty".
Xabier Erkizia is a multidisciplinary artist from the Basque Country in Spain. He has been working on different media. Erkizia's principal characteristics are investigation, some kind of curiosity on any art or communication form and diversity. His debut album "Entresol" was just released on Antifrost. Xabier Erkizia has collaborated with the likes of: Mattin, Eddie Prevost, Ilios, TV Pow, Alejandra & Aeron, Margarida Garcia,
Mark Wastell, Josh Abrams and others.
Ilios and Xabier Erkizia will also perform at the Le Placard Headphone Event during the Club Transmediale 05
two critiques on "Vento Elektra" (CD, October 2004 Antifrost), Ilios' actual cd:
Although Ilios has released ten albums thusfar, one does not come across his name or material that often. Another reason this is rather strange is the fact that Ilios played with the likes of Francesco Lopez, Jason Khan as well as Coti K, during his no less than 60 concerts. Ilios’ work is just as mysterious. Using electric signals and electricity, Ilios’ "electric wind" reaches heardly the treshold of hearability during the first part of the album, except for a loud crack now and than.
Well, that changes when loud static noise threatens the ears, slowly fading out and disappearing like an aeroplane in the distance. Some of the music reminds of Michael Gendreau, though in general references can hardly be made. A great conceptual album by this Barcelona-based musician. He created music that becomes art, leaving an astonishing impact behind. >PHOSPHOR (NL)
Vento Elektra was entirely created using electricity and electric signals as a sound source. This resulted in a static and slowly developing soundscape of very bleak drones and some occasional rumbling. This might sound a bit over-simplified, and perhaps it is, but the work is really minimal. This minimalism is nevertheless very effective.
This is certainly not music for people who do not have a lot of patience, and I doubt that a lot of people will call this music at all. Nevertheless it is certainly very interesting material for people who like sonic experiments, strange atmospheres and the aesthetics of sound design. >FUNPROX(NL)
Homepage of Ilios, with Bio, mp3's and other news:
The Label Antifrost:
Homepage with many Informations about the basque music scene to (find Xabier click on: artists)
ilios at Avanto festival, Helsinki photo: d.barbanel
xabier erkizia
As part of the series biegungen im ausland