Wednesday, 18 October, 2017 - 20:00
d+m :: Horne / Markland / Ermke+Tuerlinckx
series dinner and a movie in ausland
Short films from Adele Horne, from her series dealing with issues of shelter and housing.
Drag performer Bridge Markland with a talk on "Gender, Media, Identity."
Andrea Ermke (minidiscs) and Anais Tuerlinckx (prepared piano) perform in in duo.
doors 20h, start 20h30
About the artists:
Adele Horne makes observational, essayistic, and experimental films and videos. Her work has been shown internationally at venues including the Museum of Modern Art's Documentary Fortnight, the Rotterdam International Film Festival, 25 fps Festival, Courtisane, Morelia International Film Festival, Los Angeles FilmForum, and the Flaherty Film Seminar. She taught film studies for over a decade at the California Insitute for the Arts.
The Berlin performer Bridge Markland is a virtuoso of roleplay and transformation - an artist who effortlessly crosses boundaries between dance, theatre, performance, cabaret and puppet theatre.
Her speciality are transgender-performances in which the audience can experience the change of woman to man (or vice versa).
Markland is a pioneer of drag and gender performance in Germany and organized Drag-King events, tours and festivals between 1994 - 2002.
With Diane Torr she co-curated the go drag! festival - women celeberating cross-dressing in Berlin in 2002.
She has toured her short and long productions in Germany, Europe, USA, Canada and Australia.
Andrea Ermke is a sound artist living in Berlin and working with field recording and sampling hand-made sounds. She has developed a very personal and uncompromising style of sound collage.
Anais Tuerlinckx is a pianist from Brussels. She moved to Berlin in 2008, interested in the local improvised music scene. Tending to a rather physical and expending way of playing, her performances are characterized by a decidedly harsh and noisy but at the same time elegiac, breezy and spacious sound. She likes to get involved in public spaces proposing inside piano activism out of the concert space and also teaches improvisation within the scope of music pedagogy.
series 'dinner and a movie' in ausland
(***no dinner served)
What is it?
In a distant part of the world, ‘dinner and a movie’ is a call for a night on the town - an evening of pleasure, curiosity, enlightenment, frivolity, engagement and more. At its core lies an exceptional variety of stimulations - from food, beverage, the new restaurant you’ve wanted to check out downtown, conversation, a film, the late-night ice cream joint next to the sleek wine bar, and whatever might happen thereafter. Our series hopes to recreate this multitude of informations, but on terrain that is decidedly more bizarre. There won't always be a movie. and you’ll probably never get dinner. But we promise your brains will be tantalized in more ways than one.