Freitag, 14 Februar, 2014 - 21:30
Bosetti Solo /// Mukarji/Shirley /// Hobby Horse
Alessandro Bosetti
Tisha Mukarji
Derek Shirley
14 Feb 2014 - 23:59
Hobby Horse (Umbria, Italy)
Dan Kinzelman: Sax/Clarinets/Voice/Flutes
Joe Rehmer: Bass/Keyboards/Voice/Percussion
Stefano Tamborrino: Drums/Percussion/Melodica/Voice
Alternating between hypnotic and mysterious vamps and moments of explosive dynamism, the music of Hobby Horse combines elements drawn from free jazz, ambient music, rock and electronic music. The widely varying experiences of the three members enrich a music which evades genre limitations while nonetheless maintaining a strong connection to some sort of jazz roots.
Alessandro Bosetti "Bye Bye Berlin" Solo Concert Mask Mirror
Since 2008 Alessandro Bosetti has been developing an instrument and software patch. Live in concert he reorganizes speech for musical purposes with narratives that are about nothing and everything at the same time. With echoes to the baroque clumsiness of the first mechanical calculators by the likes of Gottfried Leibniz and Blaise Pascal, Mask Mirror is guided not by mathematical principles but rather mines the unfolding of language and its meaning in random sequences, built on blocks of different sizes (from phonemes and incidental mouth noises to lexical units and prosodic fragments). Bosetti samples his voice with prerecorded voices in an electronic ventriloquism.
Tisha Mukarji (prepared piano) / Derek Shirley (double bass)